Innovation, Industry, and Infrastructure

What We Do

We build infrastructure platforms that reinforce the global economy, securing essential products and services for the communities we serve.

Why We Do It

Our portfolios invest in infrastructure platforms that provide diversified exposure to high-quality businesses that create value for our stakeholders.

Supporting communities everywhere.

Our energy platforms are committed to hands-on value creation and practices that have a positive impact on all communities.

Our Infrastructure Platforms

Our platforms have decades of experience in the implementation of successful projects for the global oil and gas industry. Our teams are committed to the development and deployment of recognized and cutting-edge solutions that can meet even the toughest production challenges.

We bring cost effective solar power to new markets and customers through our innovative approach to development and optimized solutions tailored to solving the energy challenges of municipal, co-op, community and small-to-medium corporate

Our Team

Since 2003, Industry Capital and its affiliates have grown our team to over 350 employees globally.

We commit the time, energy, resources and attention necessary to ensure our values are internalized and executed throughout the company. This commitment results in passionate employees who work together in high performing teams to create value for our investors and stakeholders.

Learn more about our team

Our Platforms